5 harmful and 5 useful products for the vocalist. Power and voice

Nutrition plays a big role in the life and work of the vocalist. Sometimes the hoarse sound of the voice does not appear because of a sore throat, but with improper diet. The problem concerns not only the main food of the singer, but also the use of certain foods before singing.

It is believed that vocalists are forbidden to only use seeds, as it is harmful to the voice, and before singing you need to drink raw eggs. In fact, the list of products that can not be eaten by vocalists is much wider than vocal teachers say. Let's take a closer look at this issue, and also give the top 5 most useful and harmful to the voice products.

How does food affect the voice

Any food in different ways affect the elasticity of the mucous throat and larynx. Some contribute to a better stretching of tissues, due to which the hoarse coloration of the voice can disappear, while others increase the unpleasant feeling during singing. Therefore, in one case, the food may be useful for the vocalist, in the other - harmful.

From it will depend not only the color of the voice, its pleasant sound and ease of singing, but also the removal of some clamps. After all, when there is discomfort in the throat, it becomes difficult and very uncomfortable to sing. Therefore, all products can be divided into useful for the vocalist, which contribute to the elasticity of soft tissue, and harmful.

The amount of food is also very important. If the power supply is unbalanced and unreasonable, then the voice may lose power. Therefore, diets, especially hungry, rare food intake, as well as the rejection of fat can weaken the strength of the voice and make it dull and expressionless.

A small amount of food can deprive your voice of beauty, strength and reduce its range, so do not go on a diet before a responsible speech. You will sing much worse than before, because the voice will sound weak and inexpressive. But it is not worth much to eat, especially before singing.

Heavy food can put pressure on the diaphragm and lead to weakness, difficulty in singing, as well as reducing the range of the voice. On a full stomach, you will sing hard and with great effort, since there will be no elasticity in the soft tissues of the larynx. therefore there is a need for an hour before singingto support the sound, but at the same time the stomach should not be overloaded.

How does food affect the voice in general? It depends on what you ate on the day of singing. Experts advise to eat some dense food, for example mashed potatoes, porridge or a sweet baked pie, an hour before the performance. Then you will not feel hunger and your voice will acquire the necessary tight breathing support.

The voice is influenced by the long-term use of certain foods. They can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, cause wheezing, coughing and an unpleasant sensation, as if a speck, a foreign body, fell into the larynx. This is how food affects the voice, or rather harmful products that many, without knowing it, are systematically consumed.

5 most harmful products for voice

First of all they include:

  1. Seeds, peanuts, seasoned crackers and salted nuts. They contain a lot of fat and salt, as well as irritating additives, so with their regular use mucous membranes can lose their elasticity. The voice becomes hoarse, its overtone color decreases, and singing becomes uncomfortable. You may feel tickled, so even if you do not consume these foods on the day of singing, they can harm you. The vocalist should refuse them altogether.
  2. Spicy ketchup, mustard, horseradish and seasoning. They can be added to food only in a small amount and in no case can be consumed 6 hours before singing. All of them not only irritate the throat, but also contribute to the excessive production of mucus, which makes it difficult to sing and can even provoke a cough.
  3. Fat fried meat, potatoes and chips, as well as spicy fast food. Fat deprives the elasticity of the vocal cords, which can lead to coughing, difficulty in singing, especially in jumps and in places where there are long notes. Any fatty foods should be eaten in the morning a few hours before singing, when it comes to meat and meatballs, and chips should be eliminated from the diet of the vocalist. Also in salads should not add a lot of meat.
  4. Iced drinks such as Cola, Fanta or Sprite. They can cause a shocking reaction of the mucous membrane and lead to hoarseness of the voice. Sometimes for a while it can disappear altogether.

Alcoholic beverages, especially strong. For the voice, the most harmful of them are beer, brandy, vodka and strong tonic, especially with ice. Just like any drinks with ice, they can burn the mucous with cold and lead even to a temporary loss of voice, and to quinsy too.

5 useful voice products

They not only help to sing well, but also help in certain cases to quickly restore voice.

These include the following foods and drinks:

  1. Warm sweet black tea. Excellent tool for restoring the elasticity of the mucous membranes and treatment of ligaments. For better effect, it should not be hot, but warm.
  2. Low-fat milk at room temperature. It should be drunk in small sips, slowly to restore the voice. It gently envelops the throat and makes the voice stronger.
  3. Raw eggs. They should not be drunk before singing, as many vocalists advise, although their regular use contributes to the richness and softness of the voice. This tool perfectly restores the strength of the vocalist, and also soothes the throat, contributing to soft and beautiful singing. But only in food you need to eat proven eggs, bought on the market, so as not to get infected with a dangerous infection. Eggs enough to drink once a week for a beautiful and clear voice.
  4. Butter. High-quality butter can be added to milk or simply dissolve to make singing more convenient. But this is usually done an hour before singing and drink carbonated water.
  5. Plain water at room temperature. Sometimes this is the best way to quickly restore voice. Only it should be drunk slowly, in small sips.

The vocalist's diet - what's useful daily?

To make your voice sound strong and beautiful, you need to follow a few simple rules of nutrition:

  1. Start your morning with a hearty breakfast. If you are singing in the afternoon or in the evening, you should eat more densely in the morning than at lunchtime to create respiratory support for the voice. You can eat meat, porridge or salads.
  2. During the day it is recommended to eat a dense dish, but without additives, especially sharp and irritating throat. This will create a good breathing support for the voice.
  3. The vocalist’s diet should include lean meat, but use it 3 hours before the start of singing.
  4. Fish and caviar vocalists include in the menu at least 2 times a week. They contain fats that are useful for the general condition of the body and the vocal cords.
  5. Seafood can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Of course, you should not use huge portions before singing, but they are a source of lean protein, which in some cases can replace meat. Unlike cutlets and bacon, they can not adversely affect the voice.
  6. Candies, chocolates, cakes and ice cream can be eaten not earlier than an hour after singing. Some heads of children's choirs before singing give the choir a piece of sugar. This is not worth doing, as the sweet can harm the beautiful and free sound of the voice.

Watch the video: : Singing Basics: How do Vocal Cords Work? (March 2025).

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