Playing guitar on the guitar: where to start?

To learn how to play guitar, you need to be not only a guitar player, but also a little bit a drummer. A fight is nothing more than a collection of individual strokes connected in a certain rhythmic pattern. His character largely depends on the specific style (flamenco, rock, pop, reggae, march, tango) and size (2/4, 4/4, 6/8). It is also necessary to distinguish rhythm accompaniment parts for one guitar and guitar in the instrumental environment (group, orchestra, dixieland).

Rhythmic patterns

Where to begin the development of the game battle? No matter how strange it may sound, the fact that the guitar should be put aside and become familiar with the basics of rhythm. To do this, you need to analyze the duration and size in exercise 1, and then clap your hands on the recorded rhythmic figures. Just do not be afraid of the musical notation, if you still do not understand it, then it's time to start to understand - it's easy, and to help you - "Basics of musical notation for beginners."

The 4/4 size in a beat is 4 parts, each beat is counted by a kick and we pronounce 1 and ... 2 and ... 3 and ... 4 and ... In the first measure, 4 quarter notes, then for each beat (kick) you need to make one clap. Need to clearly maintain the rhythm.

Having mastered the drawing of the first measure, you can proceed to the second. Here, for each beat of the beat two eighth notes fall. On the bill, it looks like this: on “1” (simultaneously with the kick of the foot) - the first eighth note, on the “and” (the leg rises) - the second eighth. In other words, for each kick there are two claps.

In the third measure, there is an alternation of a quarter note and two eighths. In practice, it looks as follows: 1 share - “1 and” (simultaneously with a foot kick 1 cotton), 2 share (eighth) - on “1” (simultaneously with a foot kick, the 1st eighth), on “and” (foot rising second eighth). The third beat is played as the first, the fourth as the second. It turns out one long cotton (1 and), then two short (“2” - cotton, “and” - cotton) and again a long (3 and) and two short (4 and).

Now you need to repeat the drawing in the 4th bar. This is the actual rhythm of the battle, which will be discussed in exercise 4. The first three beats are the same as in the second measure. Eighths - for each kick of the leg 2 claps, the fourth beat (4 and) - a quarter note, 1 kick for the kick of the leg.

Learning to play fighting guitar - exercise 1

Now you can learn the drawings to play the guitar. All exercises are reviewed on the example of one Am chord to concentrate on mastering the technique.

By the way, if you still do not know how to play the Am chord on the guitar, then especially for you we have an introductory lesson - “Those who find it difficult to play Am,” learn faster!

In the notes, in Latin letters it is indicated which fingers should strike the strings (notation scheme - we look at the drawing with the hand). The arrow indicates the direction of the strike - down or up. At the top above each beat is the beat of the beat.

The first beat is played with a variable quarter stroke, a punch down with the thumb p (1 and), then a punch up with the index finger i (2 and) and, similarly, 3 and 4 beats. The second bar with the same stroke, only the eighth one on “1” punch down p, on “and” punch up i. For each beat of the beat (kick of the leg) two strikes of the strings are obtained. In the third measure, the quarter with the eighth alternates - one long thumb stroke down (1 and) and two short forefingers up (on the “2” is a stroke and on the “and” - a stroke).

Learning to play fighting guitar - exercise 2

This exercise will help to learn how to jam the strings, which is very often used when playing in combat. In the exercise, it is indicated by the symbol X, which stands in place of notes. The chord is not removed from the fingerboard, the fingers of the left hand retain the fingering of the chord, in this case Am, and the right hand muffles the strings.

Now, in more detail about the technique: the index finger (i), before striking the strings, is in a bent state, and at the moment of the impact it bends in the plane of the strings. And immediately after the strike on the strings, the palm rests, and the fingers are straight. There should be an absolutely deaf short sound, without any extraneous overtones.

In the second and third bars, there is an alternation of strikes: muffling i with the index finger (down) and a bump up with the same finger. First quarter, then eighth. The third beat is a full battle. For example, they can play ditties, and fast funny songs in the rhythm of polka.

Learning to play fighting guitar - exercise 3

And this fight (2 measure of exercise) is played by the song V. Tsoi “A Star Called the Sun”. Remember that kind of music? Watch this video:

And now let's move on to the exercise itself:

To make it easier to master the battle, you need to take the first part and work it out separately (1 tact of the exercise). On the first beat (kick) there are two hits on the strings with “1” with the thumb down, with “and” with the index finger up. The second beat (2 and) is jamming (one hit), etc.

And now the battle is complete, we remember the rhythmic pattern from the 4th measure of the first exercise. The first fraction “1” - p down, “and” - i up; The second part - “2” - silencing i down, “and” - i up; The third beat - we make two hits, as in the first beat; The fourth beat is silencing i down “4 and” one hit.

The more practical exercises, the better. Strokes need to bring to automatism, so that they do not distract during the permutation of chords. It is also very useful to listen to the accompaniment of professional guitarists, to analyze the drawings and then apply them in their performing practice.

So, you have worked hard to learn how to play with a guitar fight, now after all these exercises you can play something interesting. For example, the same song V. Tsoi. Here is your detailed video analysis just in case:

If you are learning to play the guitar, you may also find this information useful - "How to tune a classical guitar?"

Watch the video: Guitar Lesson - How To Play Your First Chord (March 2025).

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