Zivert (Julia Sievert): biography, best songs, interesting facts

Zivert (Julia Sievert)

Charming girl with a bright appearance, emphasized by an exquisite sense of style and a memorable voice broke into the life of the domestic show business in the spring of 2017. The image of a daring hooligan behind the wheel of a gorgeous convertible was quickly replaced by the image of a confident beauty, who did not hide her sexuality. Despite the not yet long musical career, Julia Sievert has already managed to climb the stage of the Kremlin concert hall and receive her first prestigious award. However, the prospective performer considers the love of the audience as the main measure of success, and the opportunity to experience life in every moment is true happiness.

Read a brief biography of Zivert and lots of interesting facts about the singer on our page.

short biography

Julia was born in 1990, on November 28 in Moscow. Predisposition to creative activities manifested itself in childhood, when a little girl tried on various intricate outfits and arranged for the family "home" presentation. "Stage" costumes for the young artist created a grandmother. She also sewed clothes for her beloved granddaughter that none of her peers could boast of. Thus, in a young talent, a sense of exclusivity and exclusivity was fostered.

Yulia's parents, by the nature of their activities, often went on business trips and took the child with them. Regular trips were an integral part of the girl's childhood. In the future, the habit of constantly being "on the road" influenced the choice of profession. Independently earn Yulya started back in her student years. When the financial issue became particularly acute, Yulia was forced to interrupt her studies and concentrate fully on finding a permanent job that would allow her to gain complete independence. The decision to become a flight attendant seemed a natural choice: the profession implied a dynamic lifestyle and promised a decent income. The duty to while away working days in a stuffy and cramped office space in the company of ordinary managers and faceless middle-level employees is what Julia wanted to avoid in every way, despite the vicissitudes of Fate.

In the period from 2010 to 2012, Julia worked as a stewardess. Exceptional external data allowed the girl to be trained in the elite department of a leading airline in Russia. Flight attendants who have undergone such training work exclusively with business class passengers. The need for frequent flights quite suited the future pop star: the thirst for frequent change of scenery, travel, communication always accompanied the character of a sociable girl. However, there were moments that in many respects limited the expressed desire for freedom, the desire that forms the basis of the character of Sievert. Jobs in the aviation company implied the need to comply with a strict dress code, which the employee hated on an intuitive level. In time, Yulia is simply tired of herself as an obliging stewardess. A huge relief and a kind of signal to the new life for the girl was the opportunity to change her hairstyle: the tightened beam instantly turned into flowing curls, Yulia continues to experiment with images now, and in each of them she succeeds in looking harmonious and stylish.

Career in art

The first attempts in the vocal field took place in 2016. Sievert became a participant in the contest of young performers and even managed to win an award. The first success inspired the beginning singer to new achievements. Julia firmly decided to improve in the chosen path. Creativity required development, and voluntary departure from aviation provided Sievert with valuable opportunities for realizing its hidden potential: there was time for regular classes in the vocal studio. During her studies, Julia made a number of valuable, pleasant acquaintances. Mentors for a very capable student were people to whom the girl feels sincere gratitude to this day. Fame came after the appearance in the network of the video shot for the song "Chuck". The success was consolidated when the video for the song "Anesthesia" was released.

An important step in building a career as a solo singer was the official joining the team of artists working under the First Musical label, which allowed Zivert to start working with professionals and demonstrate multi-faceted creative potential in the most profitable way.

In the spring of 2018, the first album was recorded, which was released under the name "Shine". This original appeal is the personification of the singer's state of mind, who wants to "ignite and sparkle", evoking the listeners' emotions. All compositions on the disc are designed in the same style, which the performer herself defined as "Vintage Pop". Despite the general concept, each track included in the album is “endowed” with a unique mood, imagery, acoustic and semantic “individuality”.

In the autumn of the same year, Sievert went on her first tour, which was followed almost immediately by the second one - Julia visited the city with concerts in various regions of Russia, and also performed in Belarus. The beginning of 2019 for the singer was marked by a personal professional record. The musical novelty "Life" entered the top 10 popular tracks on the Apple Music service, and in the Apple Apple Corp store, it became one of the five most sought-after tracks.

In February 2019, Sievert shared with her followers on Instagram her impressions of participating in the "Big Love Show" festival. The singer called honor the opportunity to be part of such a landmark musical event.

Interesting Facts

  • Alternative profession. Sievert once admitted that if she could not get development in the music industry, she would love to take up design art. Craving for the creation of non-trivial images and stylish ensembles, the desire to experiment with appearance would allow her to successfully realize herself in this field.
  • The history of the creative pseudonym. The real name of Julia is Sytnik. During the first steps on the stage, the artist decided to change her surname to a more sonorous one, the one that belonged to her mother in girlhood. Thus was born the new star Julia Sievert (Zivert). This name is now displayed in the girl's passport.
  • Tattoos. The termination of work as a flight attendant gave Yulia a certain degree of long-awaited freedom, a valuable manifestation of which was the ability to change her hair and ... make a tattoo. Currently, the body of the beauty is decorated with several tattoos. The first, in the form of a seascape - is located in the upper part of the back. The second picture is made in the form of the word "thank you", a symbol of love is displayed on the wrist, and there are several stars on the neck.
  • Bad habits. During the period when Sievert worked in various airlines, she repeatedly shared her provocative photos online. No, nothing reprehensible in the photographs was observed, but it was obvious: the girl does not deny herself cigarettes and a glass of wine at sunset. In the current time, the singer refused from addiction, having confirmed her firm intention by publishing the corresponding post in social networks. Julia declared herself as a person who is ready to take responsibility for her future.
  • Favorite style. Sievert loves vintage things and trend in fashion, typical of the 80-90th years of the last century. This era, the singer considers largely avant-garde, even in relation to current trends. The singer got a chance to express her preferences during the filming of the video "Green Waves". At the beginning of the video, the singer appears in the image of a pop diva with a magnificent hairstyle and bright make-up.
  • Source of power. Yulia considers her mother to be the main adviser on life and frankly admits that it is her words that give an additional stimulus to all accomplishments. It is obvious that Sievert is very anxious about his family, this is confirmed by the numerous photos that the girl shares with subscribers. A special position in this infinite gallery is occupied by photos with grandfather Julia, whom the granddaughter describes as an incredibly interesting interlocutor and a wise man.
  • Soundtrack for a television project. At the end of 2017, the premiere of the first episode of the series "Chernobyl 2: Exclusion Zone" took place. Julia sang the song "Wind of Change", which became the soundtrack to the serial film. With the same song, the singer performed in the talk show A. Malakhov. The release went on the air on the eve of the new 2018 year.

  • Dreams. The vocalist plans to release an album in English in the near future. Expanding professional horizons, improving as an actress and conquering new heights is one of the main ones, which is an arbitrary priority wish list Sievert.
  • Fears One of the most fatal fears affecting a career was the fear of criticism. For Sievert, at the initial stage, it was extremely difficult to accept the fact that the jury at the vocal competitions will evaluate her skill, point out mistakes. At first, Julia literally forced herself to participate in auditions, seriously fearing that the harsh judgments of recognized masters could lower her personal self-esteem and affect the adequate perception of herself as a capable performer.
  • Life credo. Search and find adventure - the main priority of Julia. The need to feel inspired, “burn” at work, aware of its purpose in it, feel newness in everything that surrounds, and catch the charm of every moment of life, not being afraid to “cut off the excess” - this is really important for a bold girl, not fearful and eager for constant change.

Best songs

"Chuck"- Sievert allowed herself to be bullied from the heart. A moment of liberty, some kind of freedom applies not only to the text, but also to the style, as well as the method of creating a clip. It was filmed using a quadrocopter. , which the artist on the eve of filming announced on her page in the network.

"Anesthesia"- the mood of the video for this song is inspired by the comics" People X ". Julia appears in a certain futuristic way, revealing the facets of sensuality and seductiveness.

"Life"- the video for this track was shot in Hong Kong. Subsequently, Sievert called this city strange, but completely corresponding to her inner feelings. It is in the huge metropolis that you can feel so-called positive loneliness. This is a state where you can collect your thoughts and focus on your desires, being at the same time in the center of events and at the same time being isolated from it.

Personal life

Yulia's chosen man is a young man named Eugene. He is a DJ. Relationships began approximately in 2015. It was then that on the pages on social networks photos began to appear on which the couple was captured together. A bright gallery of photographs shows that lovers are not used to be bored: they travel a lot, visit exotic countries, including Indonesia and Thailand. Both love extreme, impressions, bright emotions and do not hesitate to show their happiness. Yulia Irma's mother ardently supports the choice of her daughter and believes that Zhenya is ideally like Yulia, as she is to him. A woman leaves warm comments under the photo on the network with wishes for young people to maintain mutual understanding and feelings for many years.

In the fall of 2018, Yulia stopped publishing joint photos with her beloved, perhaps the reason for this is the singer’s increased popularity and attention from her fans and haters. Probably, Sievert is trying to protect personal happiness from the views of others. There were no hints of parting or emotional distress, due to a possible break in the relationship.

The real happiness, in the opinion of the performer, is to follow her own path, to constantly be in dynamics, not to stop when others prefer to just rest on their laurels. Julia's favorite word Zivert is "thank you." Perhaps it is in the ability to be grateful that the secret of a rising pop star’s success lies.

Watch the video: Zivert live - концерт в московском метро (March 2025).

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