The best performances on the minute of glory: a selection of videos of chic numbers

Show "Minute of Fame" gave a chance to millions of people to show their talents. Of course, not all of these people could be remembered by viewers and television viewers, but still, many truly talented and unique personalities remained in the memory of many, conquering not only with their capabilities, but also with charisma.

And already such best performances at the moment of glory can say that the show was not created in vain. Therefore, I would like to recall these brilliant names.

Talented child

The first person to start with is an unusual boy who deftly turns on the drum set. Ilya Svetlichny first came to this contest with his father when he was only four years old. And, probably, there is not that spectator who would not be amazed at the game of Ilusha.

But how? Can a kid at that age play drums? It is necessary to discard all doubts, because it really is. To the accompaniment of his father, Ilya was able not only to sustain the rhythm, but even to improvise, what conquered the audience even more. Ilya's confidence on the scene makes you truly amazed. And who knows, maybe we will hear the name of this young drummer from the Belgorod region more than once?

"The girl who sings ..."

Speaking of the best performances at the moment of glory, it would be embarrassing not to remember the charming girl who was able to conquer the entire hall with her extraordinary singing. Anastasia Sorokova performed a wonderful song a capella. Her confident voice and the style of folk singing were appreciated not only by the jury members, but also by the audience.

Boy with a wonderful voice

The third participant of the Minute of Fame, which was remembered by millions of TV viewers, is Erkesh Khasen. The eighth-grader does not only have excellent vocal abilities, but also steadily keeps on the stage, which causes only positive emotions. A boy from Astana sang a French song so sincerely and sensually that it left no doubt in the great talent and potential of the boy. And this is one of the best performances in the moment of glory. Of course, Yerkesh matured during this time (after all, he first appeared on the scene of a minute of glory in 2011), but it is unlikely that he retreated from his goal of becoming a famous singer.

Russian Rihanna

The voice and appearance of this girl could not leave anyone indifferent. Suzanne Salem, who stepped on the stage, as if the twin sister of foreign singer Rihanna, sang as well as a western diva. By the way, the song Suzanne performed from the repertoire of Rihanna. And today, many viewers agree that the Russian beauty was able to sing better than the original, which makes Susan Salem proud. And if all the best performances at the moment of glory could be equal to the performance of this girl, the show would have been even more successful.

As for Suzanne, at that time she was only seventeen years old. She did not take any special interest in music, but still managed to develop her natural gift to the highest level.

Oriental beauty

The last performance, which also could be remembered by many, is an unusual oriental dance performed by a Russian girl. Lia Poghosyan not only performed the dance very well, but also charmed the members of the jury and all the spectators with her charisma.

But, in conclusion, it should be said that these are not all those moments of the competition that I would like to recall, because this show could show the general public a large number of talented people with various capabilities.

The author - Ekaterina Kolesnikova

Watch the video: Change ft Luther Vandross - The Glow Of Love Warner BrosRFC Records 1980 (March 2025).

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