Happy march

"Merry march"

the main task Such an activity is to develop attentiveness, to teach a child to listen to the leader, and most importantly, to hear and memorize what he heard. This exercise brings a sense of metro rhythm and teaches to respond quickly to a speech signal. The musical task is to acquaint participants with the genre of the march. The teacher can tell a few words about him, where he is used and focus on the rhythm so that the guys can move in a measured walk, precisely following the music.

Cooking: The presenter should pick up musical material for the game with a clear rhythm, ideally - it should be a march, its bipartite size is perfect for the step. Do not forget that it is desirable to take the work already familiar, you can take a new one, but then it should be not difficult and pleasant to the ear. The second stage of preparation: children must learn the commands that will be given during the game "Merry March" so that they can immediately recall the desired movement and execute it without a hitch.

The course of the game: The participants should circle and start moving clockwise as soon as the music starts. They have to walk steadily to the accompaniment, slowly. When the command "Earth" sounds, everyone should crouch and touch the floor with the pens, then the presenter gives a sign and everyone rises, continuing to walk. "Sky" - the children pull the handle up, while continuing the measured movement. “Air” - hands should be separated to the sides, the movement also without stopping. In carrying out this game, it is necessary to follow not only the team leading, but also step by step, it must comply with the rhythm of the march and be clear and level.

The game "Merry March" can be carried out at preschool age with the smallest, they will walk with pleasure in a circle, watching the rhythm. Instead of the march, use the familiar song, omitting the description of the genre. With older children it is helpful to perform such musical exercises as a warm-up.

Watch the video: Andreas Waldetoft - Happy March Hearts of Iron II (March 2025).

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