What should be the site of a musician who is just starting his career?

Every novice star who has performed at the bar or club at least once or laid out her track to the masses has her fans. Yes, at this moment it is, to a greater extent, only a group of people interested in creative work, but in the future it can grow in proportion to the star’s popularity. To do this, you must always keep in touch with people who are interested in the work of a musician. And the Internet will help in this - one of the most powerful and productive platforms for promoting yourself and your music. Runet provides a lot of opportunities for a newcomer to the stage, each of which must be used. Groups in social networks, accounts on YOUTube and Instagram will definitely catch their target audience. But to summarize it and allow you to find all the information of interest in one place, you need a site.

Why does a novice musician have a website and what do visitors expect from him?

The site of performing musicians is an important tool for communication with their fans. With the help of the resource, anyone interested in the work of a pop performer can learn everything that interests him: a biography, a schedule of performances, view photos from photo shoots or performances, listen to and download music.

But the site of a young musician does not require such complex functionality as an online store or linking to paid services for downloading music. After all, he is just a beginner and his main goal is to tell as much as possible about himself and his work, to acquaint visitors with him. Those who first heard a singer or a singer in a bar, at a club, or by chance on a social network, are unlikely to download paid music (only if the cost of the song is very low) or buy something on its page. Therefore, the development of all the “bells and whistles” that are on the resources of popular pop singers, will only be a waste of time and money.

Over time, your site can be developed by introducing new features and functions. Well, for now, it should become a tool for getting acquainted with the performer. And for this it is necessary to think over, develop and include only a small number of elements that will certainly benefit visitors.

6 elements that will make an interesting and useful site for a musician

The most important component of the site of a new musician is content. It should focus on it, having developed a really interesting content that will help the visitor to draw all the information he is looking for.

Detailed information about yourself

Any site performer must contain a biography of him. The target audience is always interested to learn more about their idol. And visitors to a resource dedicated to a novice artist are no exception. People want to know who, whence, what he loves, how a novice treats creativity, when and where he was born, what he has to offer his fans, in which musical genre he performs. Of course, it is unlikely that visitors will be interested in information about family life or the artist's favorite color, but here’s the story of how he began his work and what he came to at the moment - completely. And later, when the star's popularity grows, you can update the bio by adding info that is interesting to the crowd of fans: about the second half, favorite movies and other details that fans cling to.

Photo, video

High-quality photos of the stars always highlight the site and attract attention. It is nice to look at professional pictures with the image of the artist. It is really beautiful. Because the novice star should think about ordering a photo shoot. Let it not be VIP-level, but the photos must be of good quality. Even better, if the photo session will be created specifically for the site with the selection of images and colors that match the selected design of the resource. Such pictures will hook the visitor and interest him. In addition, high-quality photos are always more demanded by visitors. They are often downloaded and used for personal purposes.

Posting videos will not be superfluous on the site of the artist. Recording from performances and events, a video message to your listeners, recorded excerpts from the life of the performer or performer will attract attention, which is very important for a beginner planning to become a global star :-).


The poster of any offline performances must be present on the site. Perhaps it was precisely behind this that the visitor came to the site - he wants to visit the artist’s concert again and is interested in when the next one will take place. Therefore, it is absolutely not important that the next performance will take place not on the big stage, but somewhere in the themed bar. This should definitely tell your target audience. The poster must indicate the place, date and time of the performance, as well as list other events in which the performer will participate.

Because of the decision not to develop and not include a poster on the site, some of the listeners are lost, which is very important for the star in terms of promoting her creativity. To increase the interest in the individual, you can upload photos taken during the concert on the website.


An important section on the site of the star, without which it can not do. Representatives of the press or event organizers can get in touch with the performer with various offers. And they need to be given the opportunity to communicate with the star or his representative (manager). Contact block should be as complete as possible. Here you need to specify the phone number, email address, integrate social network groups using icons. In general, offer all possible communication channels for the convenience of the visitor. Here, a call-to-action feedback form will not be superfluous.

Block reviews and suggestions

It is very important for a novice star to know what the audience thinks about his work. Why not give her a chance to speak? At the stage of “climbing the showbiz staircase,” you can give your listeners the opportunity to express their emotions about the last performance or event, to make suggestions, ask a question and so on. This will create a strong relationship between the listener and the performer, which is very important for the beginner.

Links to social networks

To increase the activity in social networks will help links to them posted on the site.

By subscribing to the social network, the user can view up-to-date information about the musician, getting closer to him, discuss it with subscribers and always be up to date with the latest news. It is also necessary to place a link to the site on social networking pages, increasing those most visited web resource.

What should the site of performers of songs look like?

The design of a new site dedicated to a rising musical group, a singer or a singer, requires no less attention than the site of music performers known all over the world. After all, perception of a resource by a visitor, its convenience and further desire to be on the page and surf it depend on the design. What are the main requirements for quality design of such resources?

The right choice and color combination

Needless to say that for a rock musician's site it's silly to choose a pink background color with white flowers? Colors should fully comply with the image of the artist, his temperament, musical genre. The target audience should correctly perceive the artist. Therefore, the combination of colors must be chosen correctly. Let it be a standard combination of black and white, white and gray. The main thing that it looked beautiful and fit the type of artist.

Simple navigation

Even if the appearance of the site is luxurious, but the resource itself will have incomprehensible or complex navigation, the project will never see success and development. The user should be comfortable navigating the site. He must understand where to click to find the information he is interested in. Everything should be logical and understandable. Development of the structure and navigation is carried out at the first stage of creating the site. Therefore, it is important not to miss anything in order not to reap the rewards of their mistakes.

Readable fonts

No matter how interesting the info content is, if it is set out in small or unreadable font, it will not be useful. The font should be large enough, not have excesses and not cause pain in the eyes due to parsing letters.

Adaptive design

If you want to reach all your target audience without losing a single visitor, you need to develop an adaptive version of the site. Most Internet users use mobile gadgets to surf the Internet. It is logical that it is more convenient for them to view the site of a starter through their smartphone. That is why the resource should be correctly displayed on all existing mobile gadgets, in which the adaptive design will help.

A few words about the functionality

The volume and type of site functionality directly depends on the level of popularity and capabilities of the artist. For example, if he is sure that the artist’s songs will be downloaded from paid resources, the site should allow the user to do it here and now.

A similar requirement for the placement of an audio player. If the singer already has studio tracks or even released an album, then you should definitely place the player on the site, giving visitors the opportunity to listen to the star's work. This also includes a subscription to the newsletter, posting a forum or blog and other functions that are relevant to users.

For a novice artist, as a rule, such complex functions are not needed. At the moment when he is just starting to develop his creativity, the star should interest the public with his creativity, offering to find out information about himself and his performances. In the future, when the popularity grows, the site needs to be improved by introducing all the key functions that can not only keep fans, but also bring additional income to the star.

5 examples of good starter sites

Using the example of novice performers on the Russian stage, we show how sites that contribute to the popularity of singers and singers can be.

Example 1. Singer Vladimir

Let's start the review from the site of a young Russian singer who wants to grab a sweet piece of cake called “Show Business”.


The site from the first turn makes it clear that we are not dealing with a newcomer who sings in local bars, but as a young professional performer. At least, high-quality design and functionality in every way tries to emphasize this.

With an application for success, the content contains the most common blocks. There is a poster, a biography, and high-quality photos. And even if the volume of content is very small, and the poster shows that the singer is still a beginner, the site looks decent.

From the point of view of functionality on the site, there is only the possibility to download only three songs from iTunes. There is also an audio player with which you can hear the groovy “pop” tracks.

At first glance, the site creates a pleasant impression. Unobtrusive design with a large amount of white background and accents on bright pictures, simple and intuitive navigation, affordable functionality. Everything is simple and interesting. Well, what else is needed for the user?

The peculiarity of this site and other high-quality sites of beginning musicians is that the resource gives the user a general idea of ​​the singer or singer. This is very important, as the majority of newbies in showbiz earn from corporate events or small events. Therefore, the site helps the visitor to understand the performer whether he is willing to cooperate or not. And if you like - to order his speech. This project can easily become an example to follow.

Example 2. Max Lidov

Before us is a vivid example of the site of the singer, who relatively recently began his career.


The first U-turn hints that we face a real local celebrity! On the main page, consisting of this reversal, reveals a photo of the artist, information about the upcoming event and a functional button to buy a ticket. This is convenient enough for fans - no need to look for resources to sell tickets for a rising star concert.

In terms of functionality, the site is quite simple. There is a page with videos, including professional videos ...

and a page with audio tracks that you can listen to online.

The site does not have a full poster and this is a fat minus to developers. There are no photo galleries and there is really not enough content to communicate with visitors. For example, blog, LJ or reviews. But there is a huge sheet of biography about the performers, which at least partially helps to cover the lack of content.

In general, the site leaves a good impression, but, objectively, it looks raw. Requires revision. However, this is all fixable and surely the refinement will be carried out in parallel with the growing popularity of the singer.

Example 3. Olga Buzova

We could not pass by Olga Buzova - a singer with a long history of climbing the hottest music tops of Russia, Ukraine and foreign countries. At the moment, the singer is very popular in the CIS countries and has millions of fans. It would be really strange not to see her site. By the way, it is quite specific.


The specificity of the resource lies in the fact that it consists of only one reversal. There is no familiar functionality and content here. Instead, only the background screen saver in the form of slides photos of the singer, a number of videos from Instagram and links to social networks. It is in them that the performer leads the activity. Therefore, in this particular case, the site is a kind of bridge between the singer and her groups, accounts in social networks. But on the Wikipedia site there is a direct link to the site, which is important for users.

Example 4. Najmiddin Mavlyanov

Opera novice performer with a very simple but informative site.


Very simple in terms of design and functionality of the site, which indicates that the performer is just beginning his career and its development. However, the information provided is exactly what is needed for the target audience. Without pathos, the biography of the singer ...

and his rewards as proof of his professionalism.

Of the minuses, I would like to mention the ill-conceived navigation. The categories that should have been moved to the main menu are for some reason placed in the “More” tab.

Because of this, some of the users may be lost, since few will guess to look into this category in order to search for a video or photo.

In general, the site does not cause a storm of emotions. But, given only the initial path of the artist's work and its small popularity from the world point of view, this resource is quite enough for a narrow circle of fans and admirers of the artist.

Example 5. ME.DIGITIZED Group

Russian rock band that wants to be in the ranks of a foreign showbiz.


This is evidenced by the domain zone and English content.

A very brutal design, a small functionality - the site, to a greater extent, plays an introductory role. Here are only key elements: a biography, a block of contacts, a block of news and a gallery. By the way, the gallery is made in the form of slides. Not too convenient if you want to consider a photo in more detail.

From the interesting - playlist on the main page and its design. Hovering the cursor on the song, pop up icons of social networks, with which you can make shair.

Resource can hardly be called professionally developed. It is quite simple and low-key. But, referring to the target audience, perhaps such a decision is taking place. And we will not argue with him.

Is the site of performers of music obligatory?

Finally, I want to say just one thought. If a novice performer is eager to become famous, to receive excellent fees for performances and to be an idol for millions, then creating a personal website is not a whim, but a necessity. This is a fairly simple, but very effective tool that can become a quality communication with their fans. Namely, communication with students is the most important factor for the personal and creative development of a rising star.

Watch the video: Can Musicians Make a Career on Youtube? (March 2025).

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